How to Write About Issues
: a problem or dispute; matter; controversy
The term issue is often used to refer to something that is important and controversial, like a hot political topic or a business crisis. It is sometimes also used to describe someone’s personal problems, such as a nagging headache or anger management issues.
A common way to write an issue-oriented article is by comparing and contrasting things that make your audience or readership tick. For example, a blogger who writes about the auto industry might compare and contrast GM vs. Toyota, citing insider conversations and voicing his opinion throughout the article. This type of blog post is more subjective than a research-based article, but it can still be effective in generating interest and getting people to comment on the issue.
In the context of writing an issue-oriented article, you must take care to not demonize or attack your readership. Your goal is to create a debate and discussion on the issue you are writing about, not to insult their intelligence. Avoid the inflammatory language that is commonly heard on the radio and on television talk shows, and instead focus on delivering information in an objective and clear manner.
An article is more likely to succeed if it provides quality content that readers find interesting and valuable. Ensure that you interview the right sources and include accurate information in your piece. Make sure your research is thorough and cite your sources so that readers can verify the facts of your article. This is one of the best ways to improve the quality of an article and to increase your readership’s trust in you.