Techopedia Explains Technology
Technology is the use of tools, devices, systems and knowledge to make something easier or more accessible. It is a broad term that encompasses everything from smartphones and computers to advanced medical equipment and renewable energy systems. It also includes space exploration systems and other technologies that improve efficiency, connectivity and sustainability.
Throughout history, technology has been a powerful force that can bring about change and innovation in societies. From the Antikythera mechanism, which is believed to be the world’s oldest mechanical analog computer, to the modern smartphone, innovations in technology have impacted every aspect of people’s lives. The use of technology in the classroom has provided many benefits to students and teachers.
Techopedia Explains Technology
The word ‘technology’ comes from two Greek words: techne and logos. Techne translates as art or skill and logos means word or discourse. It is the process by which a new skill or art is gained.
Often when people think of technology they immediately think about gadgets like mobile phones, tablets, computers, hi-fi’s or cars. But the definition of technology is actually more encompassing than this. In the business world, the scope of technology is much wider and tends to revolve around communication technologies. This is used to create information flow within a workplace, to promote products or services to potential customers and so on. For example, businesses rely on communication technology to stay in touch with their clients and to ensure that the work they do is on target.