The Basics of Riding a Motorcycle
A motorcycle is a two or three-wheeled motor vehicle steered by a handlebar from a saddle-style seat. Most modern motorcycles use gasoline engines that convert reciprocating motion into rotary motion to drive the rear wheel and create forward momentum. Unlike cars, which use an automatic transmission system to shift gears, most motorcycles have a clutch and levers operated by the rider using hand controls. This makes the riding experience much more intimate and allows for a more agile, responsive handling.
Some riders are attracted to the sense of freedom and adventure that a motorcycle can offer. They are also able to achieve better fuel economy than most vehicles. The rider must be fully aware of the dangers involved in riding a motorcycle and exercise extreme caution on the road. This is why it is so important to learn how to ride in a controlled environment before taking your bike out into traffic.
The mid-1940’s: World War II ends and riders, especially the men who served in the armed forces, are eager to get their own motorcycle. Brotherhoods and clubs begin to form, and cruiser-style motorcycles are popular.
Riding a motorcycle is an art as well as a science. You must be completely focused and calm, numb to any feelings of fear or loss of control. The physical properties of a motorcycle allow you to lean into turns, which lowers the center of gravity and increases your stability. You must also be familiar with the operation of the vehicle’s components, such as a braking and shifting systems, and the way they affect your handling ability.