What Is Spirituality?
Spirituality is a worldview that suggests there are things bigger than ourselves. It can include religious traditions that center around a belief in God or a higher power, but it also includes a more holistic approach to life that seeks inspiration, reverence, meaning and purpose. Those who are spiritual strive to find answers about the universe and our place in it, as well as questions that are not easily answered on a scientific basis.
Generally, those who are spiritual believe in the idea that there is a connection between all people and that everyone’s soul is one. This can be reflected in the practices of some religions, where they see all humans as being equal. It can also be reflected in the practice of self-discovery and meditation. Many spiritual people use these practices to connect with their own soul deeper and to get a sense of the meaning of life.
The concept of spirituality has been interpreted in various ways and the term is not universally accepted. Some researchers have defined it as a cognitive or philosophic domain, an experiential and emotional domain or a behavioral domain. The breadth of this concept and a lack of consensus on the definition make it challenging to conduct systematic research in this area.
Despite the many different interpretations of what is spirituality, most of them share certain aspects. For example, they all promote a deeper connection with nature and a belief that there is a sacred aspect to the world. They also encourage the practice of mindfulness and the recognition of signs of spirit in the daily life. The 13th century Christian mystic Meister Eckhart encouraged his followers to look for the presence of God in their everyday activities, while Brother Lawrence and other Carmelite monks focused on making every activity a sacrament.